Our family has several goals in preparing food and developing recipes. First, since we have a type 2 diabetic in the house, we are super conscious of carb intake. In addition, we feel pretty strongly about supporting local businesses and local farmers. We attempt a garden of our own, support several local farm stands and pick from the wild harvest. In addition, we harvest several deer each year, so venison is a key aspect in our diet. We buy dairy products that are procured in upstate New York (which is not hard to do, since we are a dairy state) and occasionally, we share a pig from a local farm with our friends. We also raise chickens for eggs.

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Check out the recipes we have created from our harvests and local products. You might also want to check out my Working Mom page which talks about menu planning and has tips for grocery shopping.
Recipes Index Pages by Category
Thanksgiving and Christmas Recipes
Whole30 (This page is both recipes and lifestyle links)
The Electric Smoker
I feel like our electric smoker, which gets a lot of use, deserves a category all to itself. This links to a page which is more than just recipes.
Helpful Hints for Close to Home Living
Paired Recipes for Meal Planning
PS. This post may contain affiliate links. When you click the link and make a purchase through the link, we make a little money, this helps to keep The Semiconservative Granola Girl going. Thank you for your support.