A couple a weekends ago, I had a canning blitz. I made three batches of jam: rhubarb peach jam, strawberry jam from frozen berries and blueberry peach jam. And, at the end of the day, I was tired!
Sunshine went with me when I did my farm stands run (yes, that is plural stands–the story of this is in my Rhubarb Peach Jam post). She asked me to buy peaches. We only purchased a quart. I thought she ate one in the car and figured she wouldn’t eat any more, so I was desperate to use them up. I decided to make a small batch of blueberry peach jam. This is another no pectin recipe.
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Making Blueberry Peach Jam
This is a great recipe if you don’t have a lot of fruit, just a pint of blueberries and three peaches. Wash and sort through your blueberries. Peel and dice the peaches.
Add sugar. Bring to a boil over high heat. Reduce heat and cook at a moderate boil until it starts to thicken. Cook until it reaches 218-222 degrees Fahrenheit on a candy thermometer.
Processing the Blueberry Peach Jam

Pour into hot sterilized jars, seal and process for 10 minutes in a hot water bath.
So, it’s great that this doesn’t call for a lot of fruit, the drawback is that it only makes a pint and a half. So I ended up with three 8 ounce jars, and one of them was a cute decorative jar which I should have saved for a gift, but was actually the one I popped open for pictures today. (Sorry kids’ teacher, you’ll just get the ordinary jars for Christmas this year!) Oh, an my rooster silverware is Rooster Meadow by Pfaltzgraff (which goes with our dishes which were discontinued, of course, because now we’re down to about 3 bowls and cannot replace them!.)
Small batches allow for variety on the pantry shelves, right? I’ll probably make this again because it was so easy and I have peaches to use up again because Sunshine had not eaten a peach in the car which meant I used them all up on jam projects. So, the next time we were at the farm stand, I picked up another quart. She ate one. As I predicted, the rest sit there. I will have to peel and freeze them tonight because they are starting to get beyond ripe.

Enjoy this jam and let me know what you think. It’s not as sweet as some jams are so it goes great with peanut butter, on toast or scones. Ooooo, scones.
Thanks for visiting.

Prep Time | 10 minutes |
Cook Time | 30 minutes |
Servings |
- 1 pint blueberries about 2 cups
- 3 peeled and diced peaches
- 2 cups sugar
- Wash and prepare fruit.
- Add fruit and sugar to a heavy bottom pot. Bring to a boil over high heat.
- Reduce the heat keeping a moderate boil until the jam starts to get thick and the temperature on a candy thermometer reaches between 218-222 degrees Fahrenheit.
- Pour jam into hot sterilized jars, seal and process for 10 minutes in a hot water bath.