The Semiconservative Granola Girl is intended for informational purposes only. I am blogging about my own experiences, and hopefully, you will find this to be good, useful information, it may not be appropriate for your specific circumstances and information may change without notice.
The Semiconservative Granola Girl may contain ads and/or affiliate links. All opinions are my own. Per FTC guidelines, this website may be compensated by companies mentioned through advertising, affiliate programs, or otherwise. Any references to third party products, rates, or websites are subject to change without notice. Please do your own research before participating in any third party offers.
The Semiconservative Granola Girl may be compensated if consumers choose to utilize the links located throughout the content on this site which generate sales for the said merchants. We are also compensated for certain advertisements on this blog. You are not obligated to click on any link or buy any products that we advertise.
The Semiconservative Granola Girl may have links to third party websites that we believe to be of value. Once you use these links and leave semiconservativegranolagirl.com, we have no control over the information or services provided. Therefore, we cannot be responsible for your privacy once you leave our site. Please read the privacy policy of other sites to understand how they will use your information.
Privacy Policy
Here at The Semiconservative Granola Girl, we care about your privacy. We may ask for personal information in the form of emails, surveys or other demographic information. Below, we explain how The Semiconservative Granola Girl uses and protects any information that you give while using thesemiconservativegranolgirl.com. If we ask you to provide information by which you can be identified when using this website, you can be assured that it will only be used in accordance with this privacy statement.
How we use the information provided
The information we collect is used to help us understand our blog visitors and their needs. We may use this information to improve our content, send email updates, promotions or services. In addition, we may contact your for market research purposes; however, we will only use this information in accordance with our privacy statement.
You may opt out at any time. We will not sell, distribute or lease your information to third parties unless we get your permission or are required to do so by law.
The Semiconservative Granola Girl is committed to keeping your information safe. We have put safeguards in place to keep the information we collect secure.
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Our advertisers may also use cookies. We do not have control over cookies used by our advertisers. These vendors may use cookies, web beacons, or similar technologies to serve you advertisements based on your web habits (which is why you looked a particular item yesterday and now you see an advertisement for that product). Vendors may collect non-personal data such as your browser type, your operating system, web pages visited, time of visits, content viewed, ads viewed, and other clickstream data. The use of cookies, web beacons, or similar technologies by these advertising service vendors is subject to their own privacy policies, not ours, and Service Provider disclaims all liability in connection therewith.
We particpate in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites.
Updates to this policy or website may occur at anytime and without notice.
Any questions about this may be sent to jeanmarie@semiconservativegranolagirl.com.